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Four Things you shouldn't do when designing your Interior Part 1

  Elaboration on these key points as a professional interior designer:


1. **Avoid Black or Brown or Dark Curtains for Window Treatment:**


As a professional interior designer, the choice of window treatment is crucial in determining the overall ambiance of a space. Using black or brown curtains can make a room feel heavy and dark, which may not be suitable for most residential or recreational spaces. Instead, an interior designer would opt for lighter colors or patterns that allow natural light to filter through, creating a more welcoming and uplifting atmosphere. Lighter curtains can also make a room feel more spacious and airy.

2. ** Steer Clear of Dark Shades in Residential Spaces:**

Dark shades of color can indeed be challenging to work with in residential spaces, especially in smaller rooms or those with limited natural light. As an interior designer, one would prioritize creating an environment that feels cozy and inviting. Choosing lighter and more neutral colors can help make rooms appear larger, and they also provide a timeless backdrop that allows for easy incorporation of various decor elements. However, using dark shades as accent colors or in specific areas can still be appropriate to add depth and contrast.

3. **Prioritize Homogeneity with Tiles Selection:**

Consistency in flooring and tiling is a common practice to achieve a sense of unity throughout a space. By using the same type of tiles everywhere except for specific areas like bathrooms and toilets, an interior designer can create a seamless flow between rooms. This creates a visually appealing and harmonious environment. However, it's essential to consider factors like durability, maintenance, and slip resistance when selecting tiles for different areas, especially in spaces like kitchens where functionality is crucial.

4. **Design Beyond Trends:**

A professional interior designer understands the importance of creating timeless and functional spaces for their clients. While trends may come and go e.g wallpaper, the core principles of good design remain constant. Designing based on functionality, work theme, style, interior needs, and the client's personality ensures a space that will stand the test of time and continue to be relevant even as trends change. It's about understanding the clients' preferences and lifestyle, and then translating those into a unique and personalized design that aligns with their vision and requirements. I will be writing more about this topic in my next blog post.

In summary, a professional interior designer focuses on creating spaces that are not only visually appealing but also practical and tailored to their clients' needs. They avoid elements that might make a space feel dark or unwelcoming and aim for a cohesive look while considering the functionality and durability of design choices. By prioritizing individual needs and long-term design principles over fleeting trends, a skilled interior designer can produce spaces that stand out and provide lasting satisfaction to their clients.

Yours Truly,

Olutola Olukemi


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